Wednesday, February 24, 2016

FBI Refuses to Hire Pot-Smoking Hackers

In one of the funniest articles I've read in a while, FBI director James Comey laments the current hiring situation for the FBI. As most people know, the U.S. government isn't the friendliest when it comes to pot-smokers. Marijuana has been illegal in most states since the 1930's, and only a few states where it is completely legal to possess and ingest. While many states allow for consumption of marijuana for medicinal purposes, and other states on the verge of completely decriminalizing the drug, the U.S. government is still beholden to its old views on marijuana. Especially when it comes to hiring U.S. government agents. 

Therein lies Comey's trouble. The U.S. government has admitted that it isn't the best when it comes to computer security, therefore, the FBI is seeking to hire new blood in order to better combat cyber criminals. Here's the rub. Most of the young, talented hackers out there smoke pot, or they have smoked pot within the last three years. Which means they are barred from becoming the super-hacker crime fighters the FBI so desperately needs right now. 

So, what will Comey do? Will he relax the hiring standards for new recruits or will he stick to tradition and hope to fight off some of the smartest hackers on the planet with his current staff? Though Comey has stated that he is "dead-set against using marijuana", his personal feelings (if those really are his personal feelings) won't mean a damn thing if the U.S. government loses critical information to skilled cyber criminals. I believe the FBI has realized this as they are still considering this issue and they are encouraging stoners to still apply. Additionally, given that many states are considering decriminalizing the drug, it seems the entire country is headed toward the eventual legalization of marijuana. Considering this, the FBI would be especially foolish to refuse hiring skilled hackers in honor of traditional laws that are quickly going out the window. 

Looks like the pot-smoking hackers still have a chance at becoming feds. They need the money anyway to pay for their habit. Quality marijuana isn't cheap. If the feds do relax their hiring standards, it will be a win-win situation: the feds get their skilled hackers and the skilled hackers get lucrative jobs, which they can use to finance their drug habit. There is a right answer to this issue and I believe Comey will make the right choice. 

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