Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Has Microsoft Gone Mad?

With all of the heated controversy around Microsoft right now, one would think the company would lay low for a while until things blew over. Evidently, laying-low isn't the Microsoft way. If you're out of the loop, Microsoft has been pulling the wool over its customer's eyes these past eight months. The biggest controversy has been over their telemetry and user diagnostic programs, and whether these programs are sending user data back to Microsoft's HQ. Well, these programs are sending user data and search patterns back to Microsoft! It's been confirmed. It was originally thought that these programs were confined solely to Windows 10, but people have since discovered that these programs were also delivered as updates to Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 many months back. 

You would think this would be enough for Microsoft, but you couldn't be more wrong. Most Windows users are now oh so familiar with that nagging update notification in the corner of their screen. You know, that notification window that lovingly prods you to install the Windows 10 update. Microsoft, however, is getting impatient with these polite nudges. They have recently announced that the Windows 10 update will now be included among the "recommended updates" in Windows Update. That means Windows 10 will be installed automatically if users have Windows Update set to install recommended updates automatically, which is the default setting. Of course, users will still have to hit the "upgrade" button on the window prompt when it pops-up, but that would be easy enough to do if it just pops-up out of the blue. I can see many careless or technologically-illiterate users accidentally agreeing to the installation. It seems Microsoft is completely willing to exploit a user's desire to keep his PC protected, in order to install an undesired operating system! Gee Microsoft, will you take up clubbing baby seals next? You've already disillusioned your user-base with your "diagnostic services" and unwanted monitoring. When will it be enough?

But, as always, there is more. Rumor has it that Microsoft will grow impatient with users and upgrade them automatically, with no prompt at all. To be honest, I wouldn't put this past Microsoft given recent events. But let's keep our heads about us and focus on the facts. 

Microsoft is now seriously urging users to install an operating system they may not want. Much like a pushy salesmen who just can't take "no" for an answer. I can't remember a time when a company has ever done this to its users. It sets a bad precedent that could get out of hand very quickly.

Microsoft has claimed that its recent actions are in the best interest of its user-base, but that sounds very disingenuous to me. However, if Microsoft does believe this, then I can't imagine them having much trouble forcing their user's hand and installing the update right under their user's noses. 

This is what happens when companies begin to believe they are too big to fall. They start to drink their own Kool-Aid and believe they are invincible. The free market has always found ways to undercut giants when they get too cocky. I believe the same will happen to Microsoft, soon enough. 

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