Friday, February 26, 2016

It’s the Future and there are no Hover Boards: Where did it all go so Wrong?

There was once a running joke on Facebook that suggested we would have hover boards by the date October 21, 2015. That date wasn't arbitrary. Well, it wasn't completely arbitrary. In the movie, Back to the Future II, Marty McFly is taken to the future in order to right some future wrong. I won’t get into it here for fear of spoiling the movie for people who haven’t seen it yet. If you haven’t seen the movie, you should probably take some time out of your busy schedule to watch it. It’s a cult classic at this point. Anyway, at the movie’s date of October 21, 2015, there are hover boards. The Facebook joke suggested that we should have hover boards by Oct. 21, 2015. It’s one of those jokes that’s only funny when its tacked onto an image. I think the reason this joke is funny is that it pokes-fun at our expectations of the future. The movie was made back in 1989 and they had some pretty grand expectations of the future. Of course, grand expectations of the future are not new. Every age has some fantastic interpretations of the far-off future. Usually these interpretations are reflective of the age itself. In Back to the Future II, the presented future looked very...80s-like in its fashion and culture. It was basically the 80's with more advanced tech, and hover boards. Speaking of grand expectations, look at our favorite bit of retro-futurism: cyberpunk fiction. Most of the stuff in cyberpunk fiction never came to pass in the expected period. And we currently have some technology that far surpasses cyberpunk's predictions.  

But why didn't we get hover boards by October 21, 2015? It isn't like movies lie or anything. My parents once believed we would have flying cars by the year 2000, but that idea never really took off. The idea just isn't practical with our current technology. People like the believe future tech is closer than it actually is. Humanity misjudges humanity's technological progress (or rather the direction of that progress), and then everyone gets disappointed when the cool, new, envisioned tech never becomes a reality. 

But the future isn't all that technologically deficient. Today we have smartphones and tablets. My memory of Back to the Future II may be hazy, but I'm pretty sure they were still using Walkmans in the movie. Heh, using a Walkman while riding a hover board, how retro-futuristic can you get? That brings me to my next point.

While people's expectations of the future may be far-fetched, the future does bring some things that people don't expect. In the 1930s, people believed we would have flying cars by the year 1970. The flying cars never materialized, but what did materialize was something few people thought could exist: a network that would span the globe and allow people to trade information in the fraction of a second, the internet. The future brought something few people imagined could exist and it is still one of humanity's greatest achievement. What will the future blind side us with next? 

So we may not have hover boards, but we do have a bunch of other cool, useful stuff that the writers of Back to the Future didn't foresee. The future will continue to surprise us with plenty of cool and exciting things. And, perhaps, we shouldn't be the passive recipients of all that cool junk. Maybe we should go out there and make it happen. I think that is the cyberpunk way. Well, that and raiding mega corps, but let's just do one thing at a time.

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